
Overcoming Addictions

The underlying factor behind addiction is a lack of love. The key to addiction recovery, therefore, is being full of love. Each of us needs a love that is full, constant, personal, and unselfish, and no one who needs something can be the source of what they need. So, if every person needs a love that is full, constant, personal, and unselfish, then no person can be the source of that kind of love. The only one who doesn’t need that kind of love is the One who is the source of that kind of love, and that is God. So, without God, it is impossible for anyone to be full of love and to overcome their addiction. 

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More About Addictions

Our last newsletter ended with this question: “What does an addict need to overcome addiction and be truly free?” The short answer to that question is that we need God to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, while we surrender to, depend upon, and cooperate with Him. But we first need to understand more about addictions before we can expand upon that thought. 

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Understanding Addictions

I have struggled with addictions for much of my life. And I know that no one is addicted to something because they want to be addicted to it. They are addicted because they can’t stop it. They are in prison, and they can’t get out of that prison. Yes, the addict enjoys the positive sensations associated with the substance or the behavior. This is what keeps drawing them back to the addiction again and again. But no addict wants to be a slave to anything. 

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