Hello Friends,

We are sorry for going silent for so long. We have been very busy getting ready for camp meeting and haven’t had time to focus on other aspects of the ministry, including newsletters. We apologize for this. I am currently trying to put together another 4 presentations for camp meeting before it starts in ten days. I don’t have an article for this newsletter like I usually do, but I will resume the articles in the next issue. I do want to let you know how we are coming along in our camp meeting preparations and what we have been doing since we last checked in with you. 

Join us in the Ozarks on our ministry property, September 20-24, 2023. Our theme is Living Free, and we will be looking at why we find ourselves captive to so many things and how we can truly be free in Christ. We plan on this camp meeting being very practical, with small group sessions and activities to encourage personal application of the Living Free principles. Speakers will be Dr. Horst Muller and Dr. Mark Sandoval, and Sherry Boettcher and Camilyn Clayvile will be leading the children’s program teaching the children about the Law of Life. Vegan meals with gluten-free options are available for purchase. If you would like to join us for camp meeting, you have until this Wednesday, September 13, to register. You can find more information about camp meeting, including the camp meeting schedule on the main page of our website HERE.

For those of you who are familiar with the Law of Life, we will be having a Law of Life Symposium immediately following the camp meeting (The afternoon of September 24 through breakfast on the 27th). The purpose of the LOL Symposium is to bring together those who are incorporating the Law of Life in their lives, ministry, and medical practices. We will be answering questions you have about certain aspects of the Law of Life, sharing how we are applying the Law of Life in our own settings , and planning how we can work together to promote the Law of Life more broadly and effectively in these last days. If you would like to join us for the Law of Life Symposium, you can register for your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/654454750777

Camp meeting preparation has been coming along well. We have brought electricity to the shop, demolished the room that was in the shop to open up floor space, and should be finishing wiring the shop for lights and electricity today. We have purchased the equipment needed to record, and by God’s grace, livestream the camp meeting. We have also purchased sound system equipment (including assistive hearing devices), so you can hear the presenters. ðŸ˜Š Our next steps will be to get the stage in place, hang the backdrop, set up the equipment to make sure we aren’t missing needed pieces, set up the chairs, and clean up the pavilion for the children’s meetings. We also still need do some general work on the grounds, weed-eating and mowing, removing dead trees/logs, picking up rocks, and a number of other things. If you are in the area and would like to help with any of this, we would be happy for the help. 

We have a couple of videos about the progress made so far HEREHERE, and HERE. We are grateful to those who have donated to help us get things ready for camp meeting. Making all the needed improvements has drained our funds, but we know the Lord will continue to provide for His work. If you feel the Lord impressing you to donate to this work, we would be ever so grateful. All of your donations go directly to the work of the ministry. If there is something specific you would like your donation to go to, please let us know and we will be happy to apply it where you request. 

Below are some pictures of our camp meeting preparation. 

A Soul Saved

Sometimes we have appointments with someone only once, address their issue, and never hear from them again. At other times, we have repetitive appointments with someone over a long period of time, helping disciple them to Christ to overcome their traumas, fears, and other life-long struggles. It can take time to accept freedom if you have lived in doubt and fear your whole life. But it is a privilege to work with individuals to help them find freedom in Christ and live in that freedom. This week we were privileged to be part of a precious soul surrendering their life to Christ and accepting His perfect life in exchange for their life of trauma, addictions, strained relationships, and failing health. To see their tears of joy, share with them the unburdened lightness that they now feel, and know that the Lord privileged us to be part of this greatest of all miracles is such a joy. Thank you for helping us be there for others who would otherwise not be able to afford to access such help!

Prayer Team

If you would like to be a part of our PRAYER TEAM, please send your name and email address to [email protected] and we will add you to our team. We are grateful for all who have volunteered and are always looking for more prayer warriors. 

Group Session Notifications

Remember, we offer group sessions every Monday night from 6:30-8:30pm Central Time. If you would like to be notified/reminded before each group session begins, simply email us at [email protected] and let us know. Anyone can join the group sessions at this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87592054012 and prior group sessions can be viewed on our YouTube channel HERE.

Ministry Updates

Camp Mohawk Family Camp

In late July, we had the privilege of spending a week with lovely folks from Texas, south of Houston. There is an annual family camp held at Camp Mohawk, headed by Dr. Bill Sweatt, and we were given the opportunity to spend a week sharing the principles of the Law of Life with these dear folks. God was moving, and there were tears of conviction as certain points were addressed. Lives were changed, and we praise God for that. We also had the opportunity of speaking to a number of Dr. Sweatt’s patients at his office, sharing principles of how to be free from anxiety and stress. 

ASI Convention

Three days after Camp Mohawk, we were in Kansas City, Missouri for the annual ASI Convention. If you have never been to an ASI convention, you have missed out. Hundreds of Adventist ministries, institutions, and businesses come together to share what they are doing and what resources and services they have available to spread the gospel around the world. There are many speakers presenting on numerous topics, and there are many opportunities to network. Again, if you haven’t been yet, make plans to attend next year. Next year’s convention will be held in Orlando, Florida. 

Houston, Missouri

About two weeks after ASI, we had our first opportunity to share a Law of Life weekend with our home church in Houston, Missouri. It was nice to be able to share and be at home at the same time. The messages were well received, and individuals are still considering how they can better apply these principles to their lives. 

MEET Ministry Camp Meeting  

At the end of August, we were at MEET Ministry for their annual camp meeting. The presentations of each of the speakers seemed to coordinate so well as each contributed to the theme, Preparing A People for Eternity. It was such a pleasure to be there and meet so many wonderful people hungry for the truth that sets them free and prepares them for Christ’s coming.  


Keep your eye out for new videos on our YouTube channel youtube.com/@NewParadigmMinistries  

Online Store

We now have our books available on our online store. You can order at https://npmin.org/shop/. If you would like bulk pricing on books, please email us at [email protected].  

Counseling or Health Consultations

If you are struggling with personal, relationship, or health challenges, we are available to counsel with you. Virtual appointments can be scheduled through our website at https://npmin.org/appointments  

Upcoming Events


September 20-24

Join us in Cabool, Missouri for our first New Paradigm Ministries camp meeting! We will have RV sites available as well as tent camping. There are also some local hotels that can be used for housing. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/633764184737

September 28-30

New Paradigm Ministries plans to join the North American Outpost Centers International leadership retreat in Wildwood, Georgia. 

October 13-15

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking for the Orange City/Debary SDA Church in Debary, Florida. 

October 22-29

Dr. Sandoval will be sharing the Law of Life principles with the participants of a new lifestyle center in Southern California.

November 17-26

Dr. Sandoval will be in Brazil promoting the Law of Life book, which has been translated into Portuguese.


January 12-14

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking for revival meetings in Cuba.

March 1-2

Dr. Sandoval will be sharing the Law of Life at the Post Falls Idaho SDA Church. 

March 8-10

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking at the SDA Church in Champaigne, Illinois. 

April 26-28

Dr. Sandoval will be sharing the Law of Life in St. Louis, Missouri. 

May 4-11

Dr. Sandoval will be conducting a mental health seminar at the Hayden Lake SDA Church north of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. 

July 3-7

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking for the Red River Camp Meeting in Stanton, Kentucky. 

July 25-28

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking for the Pathway to Paradise camp meeting in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.

August 18-25

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking at the West Salem Mission camp meeting in West Salem, Ohio.

September 25-29

We will have our 2nd annual New Paradigm Ministries camp meeting at our ministry location in Cabool, Missouri.  


Dr. Sandoval will be speaking in New Zealand and Australia. If you are in Australia and you would like Dr. Sandoval to speak in your area, please email us at [email protected]

December 6-8

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking at the Houston Metropolitan SDA Church.

December 11-14 

Dr Sandoval will be speaking at the Manvel SDA Church south of Houston. 


February 14-16

Dr. Sandoval will be speaking for the Antlers, OK SDA Church in Antlers, Oklahoma. 


If the Lord is laying it upon your heart to support the work of New Paradigm Ministries financially, we would be most appreciative. We still have much work that needs to be done at our ministry before our camp meeting. Your tax-deductible donations can be given via check to:

New Paradigm Ministries

14527 Berry Rd.

Cabool, MO 65689

Or you can donate on our website HERE. Also, consider including New Paradigm Ministries in your will or estate planning. 

About Us

2022 © Copyright. New Paradigm Ministries.
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