Plant-Based for Life Starter Kit


Plant-Based for Life Starter Kit is exactly what its name implies. It is a book made especially for those who are thinking of switching to a plant-based diet and don’t know how to do it and maybe aren’t sure why to do it. This book answers common questions like, “Where will I get my protein?” “How do I substitute diary products?” “What about calcium?” and much more. It also gives you a 2-week meal plan with all the recipes and instructions of how you prepare the food. This is intended for busy people who only have time to prepare food on the weekends and evenings.


Plant-Based for Life Starter Kit is exactly what its name implies. It is a book made especially for those who are thinking of switching to a plant-based diet and don’t know how to do it and maybe aren’t sure why to do it. This book answers common questions like, “Where will I get my protein?” “How do I substitute diary products?” “What about calcium?” and much more. It also gives you a 2-week meal plan with all the recipes and instructions of how you prepare the food. This is intended for busy people who only have time to prepare food on the weekends and evenings.

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