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The Law of Life & the Cause of Disease
In this presentation, Dr. Sandoval lays down a strong foundation to help you understand where disease comes from, including the tremendous impact your thoughts have on your body’s function.
Why Are We So Crazy?
Have you wondered why you think, speak, act, and react how you do, and why others think, speak, act, and react how they do? Oftentimes it seems like we are all so crazy. Where does this come from? In this presentation, Dr. Sandoval helps you to clearly understand where this is coming from. There is a reason, and when you know the reason, so many things start to make sense.
Getting to Know God
So many people have rejected the idea that there is a God. And many have done so for good reasons. What they have been taught about God and what He is like has caused them to hate the idea of a God like that. And they are right to hate a God like that. But, is God like that? Or, are they mistaken? What is God really like? And is He likable? Is He lovely? Join us as we look at who God is and what He is like.
The Plan of Salvation
We have some serious problems that we don’t have solutions for. But all is not lost. God has a solution, and that solution is called the plan of salvation. This plan is so comprehensive, that you and I can be free from everything we ever thought, said, or did that was wrong. And, we can be free from everything that was ever done wrong to us. We can be free from our past and empowered to live an entirely different future.
Acceptance & Surrender
Many people struggle to understand how to have a victorious, Christian life. This is because they don’t understand how grace, faith, and works go together. It only works in the proper order, and when you get the order out of order, it doesn’t work any more. What is the proper order? And what happens in your life when that proper order is achieved? Find out here.
What It Looks Like to Be Sane
When you have the right perspective, you begin to find solutions where you only saw problems. You begin to see hope where you were only in despair. Things that you knew should work, but never worked, begin to work. This presentation helps you to understand the correct perspective so you can have a life of power and victory.


Spiritual Health
This section of articles gives you access to topics that are written to help you obtain maximum spiritual health. Spiritual health is not simply about what you intellectually know. It is about identity, trust, belief, and love. When you are spiritually healthy, you are mentally health, you relate to others in healthy ways, and you heal physically as well. This is the most important aspect of your life and existence. And these articles are written with this in mind. Read freely. Think deeply. Reflect often. Believe firmly. Apply thoroughly. And you can’t help but be blessed.
If you are interested in Relationship topics, simply click on the link below and you will be taken to the Relationships Articles.
Mental Health
This section of articles contains topics that help you understand mental health challenges and what you can do to gain and maintain proper mental health, as well as topics that help you understand various relationship difficulties and what you can do to resolve those relationship challenges.
Medical Missionary Work
“And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. “Matthew 4:23. This is the saving work that Jesus did 2000 years ago. And this is the work that He left His disciples to do until His return. Every one who has accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior is commissioned to follow in His footsteps.
Lifestyle & Remedies
It seems as though every kind of disease is increasing in frequency and severity around the world. And for many, the only solution seems to be medication. But is diabetes caused by a lack of Metformin? Is high blood pressure caused by a lack of Lisinopril? Is high cholesterol caused by a lack of Atorvastatin? And is cancer caused by a lack of chemotherapy and radiation? If so, then these interventions would be the cure. But they aren’t. Yet that seems to be the only focus when it comes to disease care. But this doesn’t have to be.
A Little Bit of Everything
This section contains articles that cover topics that don’t fit nicely into the other categories. Either the topic covers multiple different categories, or it just doesn’t fit nicely into one of the other categories of Articles we have available. It might surprise you what is here. Read. Enjoy. Share.


Light Supper