Overcoming Negative Thoughts The Displacement Principle: A battle plan for negative thoughts Thought/Feeling Principles You are not a slave to your thoughts or your feelings. You can (by God’s grace) choose what to think about and what not to think about. Feelings are a result of thoughts, so you can change how you feel by […]
Thriving Through the Loss of a Loved One A very close family member of ours has just received a terminal cancer diagnosis and has opted for hospice care at home. And we are at their home right now to help in whatever ways that we can. The aggressiveness of this type of cancer usually results […]
Why Relationships Do/Don’t Change What is it that lies at the foundation of relationships? Why is it that relationships change over time? And can you ever be secure in a relationship? Let us explore these important questions together right now. There are at least two things that lie at the foundation of relationships. One is […]
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