
There are a number of ways we can bless you and your loved ones. Check out some of those ways here.

Our Philosophy and Approach

How do we come to understand the solution to our problems? It is through the Law of Life, which is the fundamental law of all nature. This law has two basic components to it. The first is that nothing in nature exists or functions FROM itself. This means that everything in nature has needs (material, power, resources, etc.) that must be supplied to exist or function. The second is that nothing in nature exists or functions FOR itself. This means that everything in nature uses what it needs to do something, and what it does benefits other things. Simply put, everything in nature takes to give, which is the Law of Life. Everything functions as a channel—a hose—taking what it needs from outside of itself, then using that to give to others.

While it may not seem evident on the surface, this fundamental law has tremendous implications for your spiritual, social, mental, and physical health. It provides the framework for you to understand what your problem is and what the solution must be. It is a new way of thinking: a paradigm shift that turns your life around and sets you free. But it doesn’t set you free without the gospel and the grace of Jesus Christ. It is inseparably intertwined with the gospel and relies upon the grace of God for your freedom. It brings you to Jesus as your Lord and Savior.


Physical Health

At New Paradigm Ministries, our physical health consultations focus on addressing lifestyle-related diseases and enhancing overall well-being through natural remedies and lifestyle interventions. By integrating Biblical principles with medical expertise, we provide personalized advice and practical tools to manage and potentially reverse health conditions. Our holistic approach ensures that physical health is seen in conjunction with mental, spiritual, and social factors, aiming for comprehensive healing and vitality.

Mental & Social Health

Our mental and social health counseling sessions are designed to help individuals navigate complex emotional and relational challenges. We explore beliefs, thoughts, and relationships to understand their impact on mental well-being. Grounded in Biblical principles, our counselors offer support and guidance to foster mental resilience, improve relationships, and cultivate a sense of purpose and connection. The goal is to provide a holistic understanding and solutions that lead to lasting peace and joy.

Spiritual Health

New Paradigm Ministries is dedicated to nurturing spiritual health through Biblical counseling and discipleship. Our services focus on helping individuals deepen their faith and find freedom in Christ. We address spiritual struggles by integrating the gospel and the grace of Jesus Christ into every aspect of life. Our approach aims to provide a paradigm shift that transforms one’s life, promoting spiritual growth, inner peace, and a profound connection with God.