Things You Can Do for Cancer at Home

Things You Can Do for Cancer at Home



  • Drink at least 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds you weigh.
  • Avoid drinking sugar-containing, or caffeine-containing beverages.
  • Caffeine-free herbal teas can be part of your daily water needs.


  • Exercise daily by doing something strenuous but useful (gardening, yard work, helping a neighbor, walking, hiking, biking, swimming, etc.), preferably outdoors.
  • Aim for at least 1 hour of exercise daily (on average).
  • It is good to take a walk after meals.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise after meals and within a couple hours of bedtime.

Live Temperately

  • Temperance is avoiding entirely that which is harmful and using wisely that which is good.
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, narcotics, street drugs, toxins, etc.
  • Maintain regularity in your schedule, with regular bedtimes, mealtimes, work time, exercise time, relaxation time, etc.
  • Avoid excess even in things which are good in and of themselves (like overworking, overexercising, oversleeping, etc.)


  • Cancer always has a cause. The cause is not usually food, chemical exposures, or inheritance (although these things can contribute to cancer). The cause is usually found in the mind (stress, control or the lack of it, fear, loneliness, abandonment, rejection, loss [of loved ones, relationships, capacities, responsibilities, identity, etc.], guilt, bitterness, etc.).
  • We were created by God to take all our spiritual needs (acceptance, belonging, security, harmony, compassion, mercy, justice, righteousness, truth, freedom, etc.—which are all components of love) from Him by trust and faith, and to give these things on to others. Any time we do not have God as our source and are running “empty,” and any time that we cannot love someone else (perhaps because of what they said or did), then we cannot function like we were created to function, and dysfunction (including cancer) is the result.
  • To understand more on this topic, go to and utilize the resources there. You can also go to YouTube and search for the New Paradigm Ministries channel or the Dr Mark Sandoval channel and watch the playlists that are available there.


  • Eat plants, not animals or their byproducts (eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds, herbs & herbal seasonings, while avoiding flesh food, fish and sea food, eggs, and dairy products).
  • Eat plants as close to how they grow as is reasonable (potatoes, not potato chips; cherries, not cherry donuts, etc.).
  • Avoid processed sugars. Get your sugar from the natural products like fruits.
  • To the best of your ability, avoid high fat, highly processed, highly salted, fermented, and artificially flavored or colored foods. Also avoid pesticides, herbicides, and preservatives.
  • Add as much garlic, onions, and seasonings to your food, as these have anti-cancer properties.
  • Concentrate on cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, etc.) and allium vegetables (garlic, onion, chives, green onion, etc.).
  • Add shitake or maitake mushrooms to your diet, as they also have anti-cancer properties.
  • Make sure you get plenty of soy in the form of edamame, soybeans, tofu, and soy milk. Research is clear that those who consume more of these soy products suffer less from cancer and recover from it better.
  • Consider adding a couple tablespoons full of freshly ground flax seed daily to your food. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer and increase survival rates.
  • Eat a good-sized breakfast, medium to large lunch, and avoid supper. But if you need supper, make it light and easily digestible so you don’t sleep with a full stomach.



  • Get sunshine as regularly as possible.
  • Aim for about 30-60 minutes of sunshine daily, depending upon where you live and the complexion of your skin.
  • Purposefully sunbathe several times weekly.
  • Maintain vitamin D levels between 60 and 75ng/mL.
  • Avoid burning or using oils or lotions on your skin while sun exposed.

Thought Life

  • You will not heal well when you believe lies, having thoughts of rejection, loss, bitterness, guilt, shame, loneliness, abandonment, fear, failure, exploitation, injustice, etc.
  • The thoughts that will help in the healing process are all based upon the truth.
  • Victory comes by replacing the lies with the truth in the moment you are struggling with it. Write down your negative thoughts for 1-2 days. Categorize them (alone, fear, failure, guilt, bitterness, rejection, unloved, etc.), and pick the top 1-3 categories. Find a Bible promise that speaks to you the opposite of the negative thought category and write it on a 3×5 card. Then write a prayer of faith below it (or on the back side) that follows the pattern below. Whenever you recognize that you are thinking the negative thoughts, pull out your 3×5 card and read it out loud, choosing to believe what it says, because it is God who promised it. Continue doing so until you have victory over the negative thought(s).
  • Unloved – “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3.
  • Alone – “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
  • Afraid – “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
  • Bitter – “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32.
  • Guilty – “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.
  • Rejected – “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1.
  • Failure – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.
  • Prayer outline: “Thank You, Lord, for giving me the truth of Your word. I choose to believe ___________ (whatever the promise promises). Thank You for _________________ (accomplishing what the promise promises). An example is: “Thank You, Lord, for giving me the truth of Your word. I choose to believe that you love me, because you said so. Thank You for loving me.


  • Fresh air is important for health. The worst air quality is usually indoors with windows and doors shut. Airconditioning or heating units don’t exchange fresh air with the indoor air. It only recirculates the air indoors. So, for best conditions, open your windows and let the fresh air come into the home.
  • If you can’t leave windows open for some reason, try to grow as many plants indoors as possible, as the plants help to clean the air, and use a dehumidifier (if you ware in a humid region) to limit the humidity and growth of mold.
  • The greatest thing you can do to improve air quality is to stop smoking/vaping if you smoke/vape.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible and in a country location if possible.


  • There is a lot of research showing that simply being in nature is healing. It impacts immune function, heart function, blood pressure, mood, and so much more.
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors surrounded by God’s creation rather than man’s inventions.
  • If you do have to stay inside, surround yourself with as many plants as possible, pictures of nature, and bare wood construction.
  • Consider including the aroma of evergreens such as cedar and pine.


  • Many don’t recognize the impact that dress has on health. Health is dependent upon good circulation, and circulation is dependent upon temperature and pressure.
  • When clothing is tight and restricts the circulation under it, it results in tissue damage and inflammation. This doesn’t help the healing process. So, wear loose clothing that hangs from the shoulders and doesn’t include tight bands around the waist or other locations.
  • When clothing is uneven over the body, it leaves some parts of the body cool and other parts warm. In the warm areas, the blood vessels dilate and blood pools there. In the cool areas, the blood vessels constrict and blood moves away from there. When this happens over a period of years, it negatively alters circulation. So, make sure you have as much covering over your extremities as you have over your trunk.

Sufficient Rest

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of rest at night.
  • Have a regular time for sleep and a regular, relaxing bedtime routine.
  • The hours of rest before midnight are about twice as good as the hours after midnight, so get to bed early.
  • Avoid eating and/or vigorous exercise within 3 hours of bedtime.
  • Keep your room dark, cool, uncluttered, and quiet.
  • Set your alarm for when to wake up in the morning, then turn the clock(s) around and don’t look at them throughout the night.
  • When you lie down at night, begin interceding in prayer for others until you fall asleep.

Simple Trust in God

  • God is the source of all you need, including health. 3 John 2 states, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” How does your soul prosper? It is by the grace of God. Grace is everything God does for sinners to restore them back to perfection and eternal life. It includes every promise, gift, capacity, help, etc. that one needs to be free. And God’s grace is offered to us freely because we need it, not because we deserve it. That grace is accepted and made our own by faith. When we exercise faith in God’s grace, then His grace becomes ours and we have everything needed to be free. Faith then acts in harmony with God’s grace and His will and does what God requests us to do for our freedom. Health is the same. Health is by God’s grace, and it becomes ours by faith. And faith then acts in harmony with God’s grace and His will and does what God requests us to do for health. Faith never manifests itself by doing what God said not to do. It always manifests itself by doing what God said to do.
  • You can never develop a relationship without time and communication. The purpose of communication is to get to know the other person so you know how to relate to them. When you understand who they are, and you see that they have admirable qualities, you admire them. You want to be with them. You willingly sacrifice to be with them. So with God. Spend time reading the Bible to see who God is and what He is like. Enter into the stories with your imagination. Everything God does is from unselfish purposes (always for the good of others), so ask yourself, how can this be unselfish? Learn to admire Him. Then, talk to/with God in prayer. Tell Him all about what you experience and think and do and struggle with and need, etc. Yes, He knows it all already, but prayer is for you to get to know Him better. He already knows all about you. And when you learn to listen to Him in your thoughts, you will begin to “hear” Him as He repeats to you, in prayer, His promises in the Bible.
  • Don’t keep a good thing to yourself. Every day, share what you learn with at least 3 others. Be a channel through which God’s love can flow to others, and in that you will find joy, love, and purpose.



Fever Bath – this is the mainstay of hydrotherapy for cancer. Do not use this if you have open wounds, bad circulation in your legs/feet, recent blood clots in your leg(s), poorly controlled congestive heart failure, or are a brittle diabetic. This should not be done alone. You should have someone to help with this treatment.
Collect a bowl with ice and water, a washcloth, an oral thermometer, a couple towels, a cup with room temperature water and a straw, and a stopwatch. Draw up a bath with water as hot as you can tolerate. Get into the bath and use one towel to cover your knees and chest (unless your bathtub is deep enough to submerge in up to your neck). Dip the washcloth in the ice water and place it on your head to keep your head cool. Re-dip as often as needed. Measure your oral temperature every 5 minutes. And drink water after each time you measure your temperature, but not before.
Once your temperature reads 102F (38.9C), your treatment time officially begins. You want to maintain your temperature between 102F (38.9C) and 104.9F (40.5C) for 20-30 minutes. Add more hot water to the tub as needed, keep your head cool, measure your temperature every 5 minutes, and drink water after measuring your temperature the whole time.
After 20-30 minutes above 102F (38.9C), then start draining the hot water and turn the shower on cold and cool off in the shower for about 30 seconds. Then dry off, get out of the tub, and go to bed and rest for about an hour, drinking more water as you rest. Repeat this treatment 3-5 times each week for 3 weeks of the month (this will give you about 10 days break from the treatments each month) and continue doing so for at least 6 months.Contrast Shower – If you don’t have a bathtub, but you take showers, take contrast showers – 3 minutes as hot as you can tolerate, then 30 seconds as cold as the water will go, then back to 3 minutes hot, and then 30 seconds cold. Do this for 3-5 exchanges. Start with hot and end with cold. Do this as often as you shower, but at least 3-5 times each week.Fomentations – If you have cancer localized to a specific area, you can also use fomentations over the area. Fomentations are a way of using moist, heated cloth material to apply heat to a specific part of the body, interspersed with cold applications. This can be accomplished several ways.
Thermophore – If you can get a Thermophore heating pad, that is the easiest way that we are aware of. You simply place the Thermophore over the area to be treated and hold down the trigger. If it gets too hot, simply wrap a dry towel around the thermophore and reapply. Leave the Thermophore on for 3-5 minutes, then remove it and vigorously rub the area for 30-60 seconds with a washcloth dipped in ice water. Re-apply the Thermophore and continue for 5-7 exchanges of hot & cold.
Microwave – If you don’t have a Thermophore, you can simply use a bath towel. If you have a microwave, you can get the towel wet, wring it out so it isn’t dripping, fold it, put it into a plastic bag, and microwave it on high for 4-5 minutes. Pull it out and wrap it in 2-3 layers of dry towel and apply to the area. If it is not hot enough, remove a layer of dry towel. If it is too hot, add another layer of dry towel. Re-microwave as needed. Again, apply the hot for 3-5 minutes, and the cold for 30-60 seconds for 5-7 exchanges.
Boiling Water – If you don’t have a microwave, you can either use a steamer or simply boil water in a pot, hold the towel by the ends and twist the towel until it is in the shape of a long tube, and then dip the middle of it into the boiling water. When you remove it from the water, twist more and pull the ends apart from each other to wring the extra water from the towel. Then carefully fold the towel into shape and wrap it with dry towel and apply as per the microwave instructions. You can also use a hydrocollator, which retains the heat for much longer without the need for re-heating during the treatment.


  • Sweet Wormwood
  • Graviola
  • Pau D’Arco
  • Turmeric
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Black Cumin Seed
  • Garlic

These herbs can be used in cooking, sprinkled on your food, or made into a tea. The black cumin seed should be ground fresh like flax seed rather than consumed whole. Turmeric can be consumed as the fresh root, or as a dehydrated powder. Rosemary and sage are usually used as cooking spices. Garlic can be used in flavoring food or consumed separately after being steamed (about 5-10 cloves daily). And sweet wormwood, graviola, and Pau D’Arco are usually found as a powder or bulk herb or as a tincture or capsule.
You want to use between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of each herb throughout the day. If you are making a tea with them, boil roots for 20 minutes, simmer leaves and stems for 20 minutes, and steep flowers and powders for 20 minutes. Strain, and drink throughout the day. Keep up this routine for at least 6 months.


Poultices are simply moist applications of substances to the skin, usually applied locally over an area of concern. The simplest poultices will include the treating substance(s) in question, a paper towel, plastic food wrap, and something to keep it in place (tape, bandage, tight clothing, etc.).
Determine the size of poultice you want to make, then spread out plastic wrap that is 1-2 inches larger than that in each direction and place it on a countertop. Cut paper towel to twice the size of the area you wish to treat and place it over the plastic wrap. Add the pre-prepared treating substance to the paper towel thick enough to fill and moisten one half of the paper towel. Then fold the paper towel over so that the paper towel is like the slices of bread in a sandwich, and the treating substance(s) is/are the filling. Then pick up the plastic wrap and paper towel, and apply to the affected area of your body with the paper towel against the skin and the plastic wrap over the paper towel. Secure in place with tape or bandages, etc., and leave in place for 4-8 hours daily (or while you sleep at night).
Herbal tea poultice – You can make an herbal tea with a combination of the teas listed above, but use less water, boil it down thicker, and don’t strain it. Add the boiled herbs with a little liquid to the paper towel to make a poultice, and place over the cancer.
Castor oil poultice – Take castor oil and pour some over the paper towel so that it is moist, but not dripping, and apply as with other poultices.
Charcoal/flax poultice – Use ½ activated charcoal powder and ½ ground flax seed mixed with water to make a paste and apply to the paper towel. It should not be runny, nor should it be thick and lumpy.
Herb/castor oil poultice – You can use a combination of the herbal tea poultice and some castor oil as a poultice.
*Beware, these poultices can stain, so use old clothing and bedding that you don’t mind getting stained.


  • Vitamin D3 – vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased rates of cancer, so it would be good to maintain good vitamin D levels. Ideal levels are between 60 and 75ng/mL. This can be checked through your doctor’s office.
  • Inositol/Inositol hexophosphate (IP6) – is a carbohydrate that has been shown to have anticancer effects against several cancer strains. You may consider adding it to your regimen if you are inclined to and able to.

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