Lifestyle & Remedies

Things You Can Do for Cancer at Home

Things You Can Do for Cancer at Home STAND for WELLNESS Water Drink at least 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds you weigh. Avoid drinking sugar-containing, or caffeine-containing beverages. Caffeine-free herbal teas can be part of your daily water needs. Exercise Exercise daily by doing something strenuous but useful (gardening, yard work, […]

Winning the Battle with Cholesterol

Winning the Battle with High Cholesterol Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Emergency Medicine Cholesterol’s Good Side Many people don’t realize that cholesterol is an important part of your life. The fact is, you wouldn’t be able to live without cholesterol. Cholesterol is defined as a waxy, fatty alcohol, and this fatty substance has very important […]

Diabetes Type II (Treatment Protocol)

Diabetes Type II Treatment Protocol Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Water Drink at least 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds that you weigh. (If you weigh 128 pounds, you need to drink at least 64 ounces, or 8 cups of water, daily) Drink at least 2 cups of water upon arising in […]

Gastroesophageal Reflux (Treatment Protocol)

Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseTreatment Protocol Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Water Drink at least 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds that you weigh. (If you weigh 128 pounds, you need to drink at least 64 ounces, or 8 cups of water, daily) Drink at least 2 cups of water upon arising in the […]

High Blood Pressure Treatment

Treating High Blood Pressure Naturally Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Eat a high-fiber diet, add barley Drink lots of water (at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds that you weigh) Nutritional supplements a Garlic (10-15 cloves of garlic daily. The garlic may be steamed about 5 minutes in order to prevent a […]

How To Lose Weight

How To Lose Weight Mark Sandoval, M.D. Notes Body Mass Index When contemplating overweight and obesity, one term we need to understand is Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is how much you weigh (in kilograms) divided by the square of how tall you are (in meters2). This allows us assess whether someone is overweight or […]

Insomnia Treatment

Insomnia Treatment Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine1. Go to bed early at the same time every night (Early to bed, early to rise…) 2. Have a regular bedtime routine that is calming (warm bath, foot massage, read devotional materials, pray) 3. Avoid stimulating things (news, movies, TV, radio [except calm Christian/Classical music], novels, caffeine, alcohol, […]

Winning the Battle with Overweight & Obesity

Winning the Battle with Overweight & Obesity Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Emergency Medicine Body Mass Index When contemplating overweight and obesity, one term we need to understand is Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is how much you weigh (in kilograms) divided by the square of how tall you are (in meters2). This allows us […]

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine   Background Lyme disease is a multisystem illness caused by infection with the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, and the body’s immune response to the infection. The disease is transmitted to humans via tick bites from infected ticks of the genus Ixodes (deer tick or blacklegged tick). Lyme disease is […]

Nutrition Principles

Nutrition Principles General Principles Ask yourself these three questions, if the answer to all 3 is “yes,” then go ahead and eat: Is it healthy for me? Is it the right time to eat? Is it the right amount? Nutrition plays a leading role in gaining and maintaining health Eat to live (because it is […]

Nutrition Principles for Weight Loss

Nutrition Principles for Weight Loss General Principles Ask yourself these three questions, if the answer to all 3 is “yes,” then go ahead and eat: Is it healthy for me? Is it the right time to eat? Is it the right amount? Nutrition plays a leading role in gaining and maintaining health Eat to live […]

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Treatment Mark Sandoval, M.D. Water – drink at least 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds that you weigh (this includes the herbal teas that you drink). Check with your physician first if you have problems with kidney failure or congestive heart failure. A. Herbal teas Drink 4 glasses of the following […]

Winning the Battle with High Blood Pressure

Winning the Battle with High Blood Pressure Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Emergency MedicineIn this handout, let us look at the steps you can take to help overcome your high blood pressure. Remember, some of these steps will have immediate effects, and others will take a long time. Some will only last for a little […]

Prostate Enlargement (Benign) Treatment

Prostate Enlargement (Benign) Treatment Mark Sandoval, M.D. Water – drink at least 1 ounce of water daily for every 2 pounds that you weigh (this includes the herbal teas that you drink). Check with your physician first if you have problems with kidney failure or congestive heart failure. A. Herbal teas Drink 4 glasses of […]

The Praise Plan

The Praise Plan Mark Sandoval, M.D. Lifestyle Medicine Many persons are suffering because of dysfunction of the bone marrow. The bone marrow is where your immune system is born and where your red blood cells and many of your white blood cells are formed. If there is dysfunction in the bone marrow, the results can […]